CJAM TOP 30!!! February 27th – March 4th // 2012!

* Indicates Canadian Content

1    THE WOODEN SKY* – Every Child A Daughter, Every Moon A Sun (Black Box)

2    BABY EAGLE & THE PROUD MOTHERS* – Bone Soldiers (You’ve Changed)

3    SAID THE WHALE* – Little Mountain (Hidden Pony)

4    PLANTS AND ANIMALS* – The End of That (Secret City)

5    JOHN K. SAMSON* – Provincial (Anti-)

6    THE ELWINS* – And I Thank You (Self-Released)

7    VARIOUS* – Urbnet Certified Vol 1 (Urbnet)

8    B.A. JOHNSTON* – Hi Dudes (Mammoth Cave)

9    MELLEEFRESH VS. DEADMAU5* – At Play (Play)

10   BEND SINISTER* – On My Mind (FU: M)

11   THE BLUE STONES* – Special Edition (Self-Released)

12   ISLANDS* – A Sleep & A Forgetting (Anti-)

13   GRIMES* – Visions (Arbutus)

14   THE STRUMBELLAS* – My Father & The Hunter (Self-Released)

15   COWPUNCHER* – Call Me When You’re Single (Self-Released)

16   COUSINS* – The Palm At The End Of The Mind (Saved By Vinyl)

17   BRONX CHEERLEADER* – Real Punks Don’t Sing About Girls (Yummy)

18   BAHAMAS* – Barchords (Brushfire)

19   VARIOUS* – Nardwuar The Human Serviette & The Evaporators present… Busy Doing Nothing! (Mint)

20   PUNCH BROTHERS – Who’s Feeling Young Now? (Nonesuch)

21   DUBMATIX* – Clash of the Titans (Renegade)

22   BLEATING HEARTS* – Bleating Hearts (Self-Released)

23   TRUST* – TRST (Arts & Crafts)

24   THE HYPNOTICS* – Static Fuzz Radio (New Values)

25   THE MARK INSIDE* – Nothing To Admit (Sony)

26   BALOJI – Kinshasa Succursale (Crammed Discs)

27   WOODPIGEON* – For Paolo (Boompa)

28   OF MONTREAL – Paralytic Stalks (Polyvinyl)

29   THE FAMINES* – The Complete Collected Singles (Mammoth Cave)

30   THE HOOP* – Panda Boy (Self-Released)

More Info?: www.earshot-online.com

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